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Hello Elissa! Holy crap this looks awesome! :o 

I recently discovered a love for modempunk and old Microprose games, and I can't wait to see more of this!

I read in your devlogs that you're  essentially at alpha. If you ever need a tester, consider myself interested in the position!


Thanks! I am at Alpha and I'm currently figuring out next steps with the game, in discussions with a few people. 😊 I will post more when I decide where my next steps lead and what I need!

This look very interesting indeed! Absolutely love the retro-future aesthetic.


Thanks! I grew up getting used to retro-future meaning 15-minutes-into-the-future-of-1960, but given I grew up in the '80s and '90s I'm SO much more interested in that sort of 15-minutes-into-the-future-of-1988 "Modempunk" look!